Op 14 juni 2017 kwamen bijna 1000 deelnemers aan Velo-city 2017  op bezoek in Amsterdam. ML Advies verzorgde namens Fietsersbond Amsterdam en in samenwerking met Cyclespace en gemeente Amsterdam de fietsroutes en de inhoudelijke informatie.

“British Cycling was in attendance at the fourth of the conferences, which took place in Manchester Town Hall yesterday, featuring a day of speeches and interactive workshops aiming to show how Dutch politicians and planners have succeeded in building high cycling levels with public support and consider how this can be achieved in Manchester.

Speakers at the conference included public health consultant Dr Nick Cavill and a number of Dutch transport planning experts including Marjolein de Lange, leader of the Dutch Embassy’s ‘Think Bike’ project together and Wim van der Wijk, a traffic engineer at Royal Haskoning DHV.
