Artikelen door Marjolein de Lange

Dutch experts offer Scots cycling safety advice

“Transport experts from the Netherlands and Scotland are meeting in Edinburgh to discuss ways of improving cycling safety. Dutch politicians and planners say traffic has to be slowed and cut in cities or separate lanes created to encourage more people onto bikes. Transport Scotland figures show that last year seven cyclists died and 824 suffered […]

Amsterdam Draws Bike Boxes to Better Organize Bike Parking

“Amsterdam cycling advocate Marjolein de Lange regales us with this tale from 2006 about how cyclists came up with a very simple solution (draw bike box outlines directly on the pavement!) to better organize the chaotic, random bike parking outside of a popular supermarket which is used by many blind patrons, physically challenged individuals and […]

No, Amsterdam Is Not “Swamped” By Bikes

Streetfilm’s Clarence Eckerson’s broader perspective on bicycle crowding in Amsterdam than NYT: “In June, the New York Times published a story headlined “The Dutch Prize Their Pedal Power, But a Sea of Bikes Swamps Their Capital” that instigated much debate (over 365 reader comments in one day) and a torrent of emails to the editor. The […]

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Love Cycling Go Dutch conference in Manchester

“British Cycling was in attendance at the fourth of the conferences, which took place in Manchester Town Hall yesterday, featuring a day of speeches and interactive workshops aiming to show how Dutch politicians and planners have succeeded in building high cycling levels with public support and consider how this can be achieved in Manchester. Speakers […]